I am moving to Switzerland, the company language is English. What role will German and Schwiizertüütsch play? Hearing German I understand it pretty well but the grammar is beyond me. I struggle to form a correct sentence. What is more important: vocabulary or grammar? You do net get anywhere without vocabulary but grammatical structures also are important. In a ”weder – noch” phrase you face both. Your command of grammar (word order, declension, conjugation and so forth) is reflected in your speaking and writing skills. Which Zertifikat should I aim for? In short: the one within reach. You should aim for at least B1 as it is an extension of A2 and can give you the edge on the job market. Imagine an international company with a considerable proportion of Swiss and German nationals in the teams. In my experience coaching learners for Goethe exams the step is much bigger from B1 to B2 where vocabulary range and command of grammar play a larger role. And so on. What is the difference between Goethe and fide? Written Swiss German plays an increasing role in texting and social media. Spoken Schwiizertüütsch rules everyday life. Ich habe Schwierigkeiten mit Rechtschreibung, Satzstruktur und Grammatik. Auch in der Geschäftskorrespondenz fühle ich mich unsicher. Wie kann ich dies verbessern? To all these question you should find answers on this website. If you need more information please contact me. fon / sms: nulsibenün 33 55 77 9 4deutsch AT |
Basics 2 Goethe
One on one or in groups, at your workplace or at home I am ready to make you familiar with the
basics of German or coach you to reach the different levels of the Goethe Zertifikate. |
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Unravel the mysteries of der, die, das:
Mechaniker, Lampe, Mädchen Most of the words ending in -er are masculine, most in -e feminine, and all in -chen, -lein or –li neuter. Automarken sind immer maskulin: also der Lancia, aber die Giulietta … |